General information
RPA luncheons will continue to occur at the beginning of each February, May, August, and November at varying locations. Please note carefully the day of the week and the location of each event.
Upcoming dates will appear below when announced. Online reservations become available approximately one month prior to the event. If you have questions or comments about the luncheons, please direct them to Bryan Fong - <>.
Saturday, 2/8/25. Sequoyah Country Club
Saturday, 5/10/25. Berkeley Country Club
Saturday, 8/2/25. Basque Cultural Center
Wednesday, 10/29/25. Spinnaker Restaurant
Next Meeting Information:
Date: Saturday, February 8, 2025
Social Hour: 11:30 am (cash bar)
Lunch served: 12:15 pm
Lecture begins: 1:00 pm
Topic: “Embedding Research to Accelerate Innovation and Healthcare Change: Research within KPNC Past, Present, and Future.”
Location: Sequoyah Country Club in Oakland
Presenter: Doug Corley, MD
Doug Corley, MD
Dr. Corley is Kaiser Permanente Northern California’s inaugural Chief Research Officer, which includes developing collaborations between clinicians and traditional researchers within the 700-person Division of Research and a large clinical trials program for accelerating clinical change and developing learning healthcare systems.
A practicing gastroenterologist at KP San Francisco, he is a clinician scientist with expertise in developing large clinical and translational r esearch programs and educational development, including more than 30 NIH, NCI and other federal grants/contracts. These resulted in multiple first and senior author publications in the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, Annals of Internal Medicine, and other leading journals. For esophageal adenocarcinoma, one of the most rapidly increasing cancers in recent decades, this collaborative work elucidated its carcinogenic and potential prevention pathways, using foundational epidemiology, metabolomics, and genetics (including one of the first large genome-wide genetic analyses). For colorectal cancer, it created new understandings of disease progression, natural history, genetics, and screening effects, including gene-environment interactions. These findings changed guidelines for screening quality and tested methods associated with 50% reductions in colorectal cancer incidence and mortality. They also demonstrated one of the first approaches to largely eradicating demographic differences in cancer incidence and death through equitable application of a population-level program.
He co-led the integration of a novel KPNC Delivery Science and Applied Research (DARE) program that has conducted over 200 active or completed projects in recent years. These efforts identify modifiable research questions likely to influence patient and system outcomes, develop collaborations between clinicians and traditional full-time scientists/epidemiologists, use extremely large data sources for relevant research, and develop mechanisms for rapid implementation (and re-evaluation) of research findings and intervention outcomes.
Grilled Airline Chicken Breast
Oven Roasted Salmon
Portabella Mushroom Tower (Vegetarian)
Starter: Spring Mix Garden Salad
Dessert: Chocolate Mousse Cake
No host bar
Ordering Instructions below buttons, if needed.
Ordering Instructions
For a smooth ordering experience, please try the following:
After deciding on your entree, fill in the “Name of Attendee” and any “Special Requests”
Click the "Add to Cart" Button under your menu choice
This takes you to your PayPal cart
If ordering for just yourself, checkout and you are done
If also ordering for a guest
Return to the "Luncheon Page" on the website, do NOT use the "Continue Shopping" button
Choose your guest's entree choice, fill in your guest’s name and any special requests
Click "Add to Cart"
Confirm both orders are correct and checkout
To Review Current Order:
We encourage all attendees either to be fully vaccinated for Covid or have a negative at-home test prior to the event. If there is no requirement for wearing masks indoors, we welcome anyone who has concerns to wear a mask. Finally, we strongly urge anyone who feels ill on the day of the event to stay home.
Use PayPal, credit card, or debit card with the button above.
To use a card, click on the "Don't have a PayPal account?" link at the check-out page to bring up the credit card or debit card options, as well as a link to set up a PayPal account if you wish.
If you use a PayPal account or Credit Card that is not in the name of the member, please enter the retiree's name in an unused box on the payment screen, or else email us the information - - so we apply it correctly.
If you have any other concerns reguarding your order, contact Kristine Steensma, If having problems with these features, please try another browser or contact Ed Martin,
If you wish to pay by check, please make it payable to RPA and send it with a note containing the meal selections, names of attendees, and other info requested above,
c/o K. Steensma, MD
2245 Oregon St
Berkeley, CA 94705-1023
But if it's just a few days before the luncheon, don't use postal mail - we may not get it in time. Instead, contact Ed Martin directly regarding availability by email: <> or phone: 707-853-1217.