General information
RPA luncheons usually occur on the first Saturday of February, August, and November, and the first or second Saturday of May, at rotating locations. Upcoming dates will appear below when announced. Online reservations become available approximately one month prior to the event. If you have questions or comments about the luncheons, please direct them to Bryan Fong - <>.
Saturday, May 6, 2023
Saturday, August 5, 2023
Saturday, November 4, 2023
Next Meeting Information:
Date: Saturday, May 6, 2023
Arrival: 11:30 am
Lunch served: 12:15 pm
Lecture begins: 1:00 pm
Topic: “ What Happens to Our Trash”
Location: Crow Canyon Country Club, 711 Silver Lake Drive, Danville
Presenter: Talia Wise, Director of Communications for WM
Summary: Please join us on May 6, 2023, at Crow Canyon Country Club for the RPA Spring Luncheon. Our speaker will be Talia Wise, Director of Communications for Waste Management Northern California-Nevada, who will talk about what happens to our recycled trash and compost materials. To learn more about Stop Waste, go to <>. To learn more about the work WM NCN does, please access their area website: <>.
Talia Wise
Ms. Wise is a 26-year resident of Oakland, parent of a first grader, and recycling/composting champion. Before joining WM (Waste Management of Northern California/Northern Nevada) in 2021, Talia worked in marketing for educational publishing organizations, either on-staff or as a consultant.
Her son’s non-stop obsession with garbage trucks brought Talia to her current position. After years of watching the drivers pick up her trash, Talia asked them how they liked their jobs. Their enthusiasm for their work encouraged Talia to look for a position with Waste Management, and when the role of Director of Communications opened, she applied immediately and joined the organization in August 2021. Changing industries is challenging, but entering a new industry that affects everyone, and has a considerable sustainable mission to it, has been the most professionally satisfying experience in Talia’s career. Though a relative newbie to the business, Talia dove in and has already joined Stop Waste’s Recycling Board (effective 12/07/21).
We encourage all attendees either to be fully vaccinated for Covid or have a negative at-home test the morning of the event. Given the recent surge in cases due to the BA.5 subvariant, fully vaccinated attendees may want to consider performing an at-home test as well. If there is no requirement for wearing masks indoors, we still welcome anyone who has concerns to wear a mask. Finally, we strongly urge anyone who feels ill on the day of the event to stay home.
Choice of:
MUSHROOM RAVIOLI Truffle Cream Sauce + Tomato Ragu
Choose your menu option by clicking the down-pointing triangle in the PayPal dropdown list below.
We encourage all attendees either to be fully vaccinated for Covid or have a negative at-home test prior to the event. If there is no requirement for wearing masks indoors, we still welcome anyone who has concerns to wear a mask. Finally, we strongly urge anyone who feels ill on the day of the event to stay home.
Use PayPal, credit card, or debit card with the button above.
To use a card, click on the "Don't have a PayPal account?" link at the check-out page to bring up the credit card or debit card options, as well as a link to set up a PayPal account if you wish.
If you pay dues here and use a credit card or PayPal account that is not in the name of the retiree, please enter the retiree's name in an unused box on the payment screen, or else email us the information - - so we apply it correctly.
If you don't have enough room for your answers, please email Kris Steensma <> with the additional information.
If you encounter any problems using these features, please try another browser OR email <>. If you wish to pay by check, please make it payable to RPA and send it with a note containing the meal selections, names of attendees, and other info requested above, to:
c/o K. Steensma, MD
2245 Oregon St
Berkeley, CA 94705-1023
But if it's just a few days before the luncheon, don't use postal mail - we may not get it in time. Instead, contact Ed Martin directly regarding availability by email: <> or phone: 707-853-1217.
Map and directions: Click on marker in interactive map below for more detail and directions:
Previous Meeting Summary
Previous Meeting Summary 〰️
A link to the presentation is available on our ‘Members Only’ page.
Importance of Air Traffic Control
Brian Fisher
Air Traffic Manager SFO