RotaCare West Contra Costa Free Clinic
Since 2013, the RotaCare West Contra Costa Free Clinic (previously RotaCare Richmond) has been providing free medical care to the uninsured and those unable to afford care. The clinic offers both telemedicine and in-person services.
Read MoreVA Northern California Health Care System
Join our outstanding team of professionals with the resources, training and expertise necessary to provide America's heroes with the highest quality of health care services available.
Read MoreHealth Care Volunteer Venture
The Tandana Foundation aims to improve rural community members’ access to basic health care and support local rural health professionals in caring for their population.
Read MoreMPS Limited
in Teaching
Writing educational materials for medical, health science, or nursing textbooks and supplements.
Read MoreSAFE
in Admin
SAFE- Scrubs Addressing the Firearm Epidemic. SAFE is a group of doctors, nurses, medical students and other health care professionals dedicated to addressing the public health crisis of gun violence in America.
Read MoreStatPearls
in Admin
Part or Full-time work in all specialties editing medical articles and exam questions.
Read MoreMDstaffers
Part time work in all specialties after retirement- keep your hand in! Don’t let your skills lie fallow and get paid well for your service at the time and place of your choosing.
Read MoreBreathmobile
Part Time work on a Mobile Pediatric Asthma Clinic visiting schools in Alameda County, East and West Contra Costa County and in January, Vallejo and Lower Solano County.
The Sacramento Physicians' Initiative to Reach out, Innovate and Teach (SPIRIT) program meets the healthcare needs of the community by recruiting and placing physician volunteers to provide free medical services to our region’s uninsured.
Read MoreWomen's Cancer Resource Center
in Admin
Volunteer at a non-profit that provides free, non-clinical supportive services to women with cancer in Alameda and parts of Contra Costa counties.
Read MoreRotaCare Concord
Volunteer your time to help provide free primary healthcare services to uninsured individuals with acute or chronic medical conditions.
Read MoreProject Angkor
Volunteer and provide free medical service to the under-served people of Cambodia.
Read MoreYWAM Medical Ships
YWAM MS Australia & Papua New Guinea works in collaboration with the National Department of Health and provincial health teams to support local health workers throughout the coastal and inland villages across the Southern Region and Morobe Province.
Read MoreOrder of Malta
Order of Malta is a lay order of the Catholic Church which ministers to the sick and the poor of many nations. Our local Clinic exists to address the health disparities among under-served populations.
Read MoreOpportunities Blog
Opportunities are provided for your review. They are arranged as Medical ( direct patient care ), Medical Administrative and Teaching ( no direct patient contact ) and Non Medical Teaching to make it easier for you to find an opportunity suited to your wants and talent.
Search By Category in the menu bar to the right:
Admin = Medical - Administrative and Teaching
Direct = Medical Direct Patient Care
Teaching = Non-medical Teaching
If you are involved with organizations or activities that are looking for the assistance of a retired TPMG Physician, please contact Dr Gerry Bourne at to discuss and post.
Encore Physicians Program
Part-time work up to two days per week at a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) in the Bay Area.
Updated July 25, 2021
Read MoreHealth Volunteers Overseas
in Admin
Volunteers train the next generation of providers while mentoring and working alongside those already in practice to support and sustain them in their work.
Read MoreRotary KinderPrep
in Teaching
KinderPrep is an multi-faceted project of Oakland Rotary Club that provides financial and physical assistance to kindergarten teachers and pupils.
Read MoreTouro University
in Admin